Miller Sofa – Simon James Lounges

The Miller Sofa is an exercise in refinement. Constructed with a steel frame, it is a chair designed to use only the essential to give a lightweight aesthetic.

It works equally well in the home or the office and can sit as a single piece or in multiples running side by side, back-to-back or as opposites.


Upholstery – House Fabrics Available

Frame – Black


The Miller Sofa is an exercise in refinement. Constructed with a steel frame, it is a chair designed to use only the essential to give a lightweight aesthetic.

It works equally well in the home or the office and can sit as a single piece or in multiples running side by side, back-to-back or as opposites.


Upholstery – House Fabrics Available

Frame – Black



Product Origin



Simon James

Simon James infuses character into clean, uncomplicated forms.  Having founded his eponymous brand in 2001, Simon’s appreciation of craftsmanship continues to deepen, as he explores material tactility in new and exciting ways. His design approach is largely intuitive, with people and their experiences of a space a central focus for him. Through honest materials, a desire for simplicity and lasting craftsmanship, Simon James celebrates the spaces we spend time in. HG Furniture has successfully provided open plan working enviroments using this range of products.

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